Do you have extreme jump starting needs? Vanair’s patented Cap•Start® systems are designed to start heavy-duty 12V and 24V vehicles instantly. Thirty heavy-duty dozers in below–zero temperatures? Twenty transit buses on a bone chilling morning? The Cap•Start® generates up to 3000 amps to jump start just about anything quickly and safely, regardless of temperature and vehicle size.
Cap•Start® Engine Starting

Cap•Start® 1500 AMP – Battery Driven
The Cap•Start® comes in a convenient vehicle-mount package that is powered by Vanair’s Super Capacitor™ and (2) group 31 ACM batteries. The Cap•Start® 1500 is capable of being mounted in the rear of a pickup truck or between the side packs of a service vehicle to provide countless jump starts. The Cap•Start® 1500 is available with cables, battery box and batteries.

Cap•Start® 3000 Hydraulic
The revolutionary Vanair® Cap•Start® 3000 Hydraulic delivers instantaneous starting power for all of your vehicle needs, including heavy-duty machinery, company fleets, and off-road vehicles in a compact design. Ideally suited for mounting on trucks already equipped with a PTO hydraulic pump, the Cap•Start® 3000 Hydraulic can easily be mounted in a side pack of the truck.

Cap•Start® 3000 + Air Light
The lightweight, 30-gallon, Cap•Start® 3000 + Air Light allows you to rapidly start multiple vehicles in succession and provide the air power you need! Utilizing revolutionary new Vanair® Fast Start and Super Capacitor (VSC™) technology, Vanair’s Cap•Start® 3000 + Air Light provides you with instantaneous starting power for all your heavy-duty machinery, company fleets, and off road vehicles.

Cap•Start® 3000 – 240 AMP Alternator
Start your dead Class 8 engine instantly with the patented Cap•Start® Engine Starting System. With 3000 amps of starting power via the Vanair® Super Capacitor (VSC™) and 240 amps of rapid recharging technology to start multiple vehicles in swift succession, your fleet will be up and running in no time. Time is money. Why waste money, waiting on your fleet to get back on the road?