When specifying features of some products, you may find that some products will say things like IP55, IP66, IP69K, etc. But what does this mean? These are ingress protection (IP) ratings. So, the ingress of a product is essentially an entrance to its inner components. Simply put, the IP rating of a product rates the effectiveness of an enclosure on a product from things such as water, dust, or other particulate. Many products today, especially electronic devices and equipment, need some form of protection. This is so their vital components can function for an extended period of time. Moreover, IP ratings are the standardized method to help users understand how much their product(s) can withstand against particulates and water.

Vanair® is determined to offer products that lead the industry in Mobile Power Solutions®. Many of our products are IP-rated to ensure product quality and increased product lifespan, including our EPEQ® Level 1 and 2 EV Chargers, which are IP66 rated. Experience mobile power equipment that is well-protected by using Vanair® products.

The General Breakdown

IP ratings, standardized by the International Electrotechnical Commission, contain up to five characters that each represent something different. These ratings always start with the letters “IP”, two numerals, and then sometimes the letter K at the end. An example would be “IP69K”. Here’s the general breakdown of what these characters mean:

  • IP: Stands for “Ingress Protection.”
  • First Numeral: On a scale from zero to six, the first numeral represents the degree of protection against foreign objects. The lowest rating, meaning there is no protection provided, would be a zero. The highest rating, meaning there is complete protection against foreign objects, is a six.
  • Second Numeral: On a scale from zero to nine, the second numeral represents the degree of protection against water. This scale follows the same order as the first numeral.
  • K (Optional): the letter “K” in an IP rating, though optional, represents a product’s ability to withstand high temperature and pressure from water jets. Industries such as agriculture benefit from this level of rating when it comes to tasks like washing down farm equipment.
  • X (In Place of Either First or Second Numeral): When you see an “X” in an IP rating (ex. “IPX”), it simply means that it has not been rated or tested for that factor. This does not mean the enclosure offers no protection, but it is best practice to use this rating with caution.